Chasing Cherry Blossoms, Week Fourteen in the No Longer New Abnormal

I made a trip to DC this weekend.  I was going to visit family, see a musical, get to the National Portrait Gallery and enjoy the cherry blossoms.  I was able to enjoy time with my family and see a most wonderful show at Arena Stage Theater.  Bu it turns out the Cherry Blossoms were premature this year due to the warmer winter months.  I thought I was early enough but that was not the case.  I saw trees with waning petals, the best in Takoma Park, MD.  But the city failed to provide me with the simple joy of full flowered trees wherever I went.  

My first sighting was while on a speeding train due south.  It looked promising on the bank of a river.  Once in the city limits, I got to my hotel room and ran out to ensure the best viewing possible.  Instead, they mostly alluded me.  I was able to spot a few here and there.  I walked the length of the mall to see what I could find.  There was one cropping which was filled with a crowd, mostly posing under and close to the trees.  Apparently a lot of people were visiting the capitol for the love of cherry blossoms.  

Though the cherry blossoms were disappointing for the most part, it turned into a game and each time I saw a flowering tree I got excited.  A made-up game, similar to those I played as a child.  The real thrill was seeing my in-laws who I haven’t seen in years.  They had changed and at the same time were very much the same in a comforting way that comes from familiarity.  Their garden is the product of love.  Their home, filled with beautiful artwork, was good to see again after too much time had passed.  Then, last evening was a true gift.  The Unknown Soldier, a stunning musical with beautifully woven threads composed by Michael Friedman, is a rich, nuanced show with an outstanding cast.  Though I didn’t see it when it premiered in New York City at Playwright’s Horizon, it was wonderful to enjoy in in DC.  

Outside the theater as light raindrops suddenly and unexpectedly arrived, an errant cherry blossom landed in my hair.  My weekend was complete.  

Self-Care Tips:

  • Create a game for yourself this Spring of finding and naming flowers as you go about your activities.  
  • When you have an unfulfilled expectation, try to balance disappointment with discovery of hidden gifts.  It’s important you don’t deny your feelings.  But equally important that your disappointment doesn’t obscure something agreeable.  
  • If you’ve been meaning to call, write or visit someone, reach out.  We more often regret what we haven’t done rather than the actions we take.  

Running Again


IMG_1337.JPGI ran my first race in over a year.  It was slow process, both recovering from benign injuries, as well as running 15-minute miles this morning.  In the past months I went through acupuncture, medical massage and physical therapy putting Humpty Dumpty back together again. So, tentatively, step by step I took on Central Park’s Drive.


What I noticed right away was the throngs who passed me as I inched my way forward.  I am no stranger to being left behind.  In elementary school I often was picked last in kickball, more for my lack of popularity than for any inability to kick and catch the ball. In junior high school I was not asked to parties.  I awkwardly went to school dances, uncertain how to pretend I was fine while swaying my hips to The Captain and Tennille.  Then, in my early adult years, I didn’t know how to negotiate apartment hunting, and ended up subletting again and again to keep a roof over my head.  I am still learning how to navigate the world.



But today, I knew where I needed to be for start  of the event. I showed up along with a few thousand New York Road Runner members. Each one of us running for our own reasons.  This run helped me appreciate what I’ve learned over the years.  Some things are easier for some and not others.  We all have our own journey.  And, having others pass me can distinguish my particular trek through life.  A perfect spring day in Central Park making for an invaluable run.
